About the Blog

  • Pierce Atwood is pleased to present this class action blog with a focus on decisions of the state and federal courts within the boundaries of the First Circuit. With decades of national class action experience and offices in every First Circuit state, our goal is to serve as a primary resource for companies that face class litigation in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, as well as to provide timely information about significant class action developments, strategies and trends on a national level.


  • This is a site offering non-comprehensive commentary, and seeking to prompt a dialogue about issues relating to class action defense within the First Circuit. It is not an attempt to provide legal advice.

    Comments are moderated but are not confidential.

    This blog may be construed as an advertisement, but should not be construed as legal advice or a legal opinion on any specific facts or circumstances, nor does it create attorney-client privilege.

Class Certifications










About the Author


  • To reach Don Frederico with comments about this blog, please e-mail him at [email protected]

Pierce Atwood Blogs

  • Maine Appeals
    Pierce Atwood attorney Cathy Connors authors this blog that discusses issues relating to appeals and appellate law in Maine, including the activities and decisions of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court and First Circuit Court of Appeals relevant to Maine, and other participants in the Maine appellate community.